Hope is lost

On Greed & Corruption

Photo by Mitja Juraja: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-skull-970517/

With a struggle I force it back,

Into the black,


It wants answers

That I do not have


In the dark it feeds

Fed by frustration,

Now desperation,

Anger slowly turning into hate.

Getting stronger.


I tell it everything will be ok

I tell it of my plans

Reminding it of what it once was

But It has no use for reason now


Its pleasant form transformed

Now disfigured and misshapen

By those who put it back into the cage

Back into the night

By those who squandered hopeful faith

Weary of the lies


It finds them vile, beyond redemption

Disgusted by their betrayal of its trust

by those filled with greed and lust


Soon it will no longer be contained

It's weary of the same refrain.

It prowls back & forth

seething with rage

It hurls itself against my restraints

It wants them to know

It will not be ignored


It's getting stronger

Justice could contain it

Hope could tame it

It's starting to thirst,

A growing thirst,

A thirst for vengeance


When it breaks free

It will have its full

Consuming me

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