

walking home in the darkness,
illuminated by headlights speeding past,
between the surging and receding traffic
silence struggles to be heard,
crickets play their violins,
frogs croak their mesmerising melodies,
traffic surges, silence recedes,
headlights reveal uneven paving,
I scan ahead for government excavations lying in wait,
One needs data to buy data,
I am out, like the lights, like the future,
yellow Calpurnias emerge from the darkness as they struggle through
the dusty patches of dry soil at the edges of the broken paving,
alone, in the darkness of Johannesburg,I see the stars,
I see the moon, as I did as a child, constant, it whispers this too shall pass,
I recall the conversation with the uber driver from the afternoon,
before the sangria,
12 months he said to get back on his feet, then he would be ready,
ready to do what he wanted to do, graphics design,
I gave it 12 months too, 2 years ago,
but the grotesquely inept and greedy robbed one and all,
the president is giving a speech, his cabinet is meeting,
no one is listening,
one only hopes they don't make it worse,
home is in sight, even in the darkness one feels relief and
the comfort of home,
the solitude,
the island of hope and love in the darkness,
tomorrow, tomorrow
Photo: by Sherissa R

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