The Bar
The indistinct chatter of the crowd surges back and forth on inaudible music blaring from distorted speakers. The dim light hides the imperfections of the world. For a brief time they can make believe.
Outside the rain falls with a constant rhythm. In vain glory, they weave their tales of obstacles overcome and victories won. No one calls out the hollow stories that they tell. It's better to pretend, for tonight the world can be a fairy tale and people want to belong, but even in the writhing mass and cacophony silence creeps in.
Its dark tendrils hidden by the pale light coils it's way around their hearts. Amongst the pressed bodies the isolation grows. The bartender offers some respite like a love song full of empty promises.
They grope their way in the dark hoping to find what was promised. That for a fleeting moment the mirage of their hopes and dreams coalesces into the present. But it's a dream that leaves them hopeless deeper and darker than before.
But the human spirit is the greatest fool and hope will spring in the darkest places and once more they will set forth to find that which they seek desperately for.
We all hope for love. But love can only be found in the light. Where we cannot hide our imperfections. Better to know and love despite the cold reality because to be human is to live and to love regardless. To live and know that that which we love will disappoint but is still worthy of love because without love we are nothing. And to acknowledge that we all deserve love because we are alone and all imperfections. For the world was never perfect and imperfection make it so.
To forgive and forget, that is what makes it perfect. Only God can forgive and love despite the hurt so we are like God if we love despite the pain and unacknowledged sacrifices. I have forgiven when you cannot forgive yourself. You will never know how deep my love goes but love accepts that it may be forever misunderstood and knowing when to surrender is the greatest love of all.
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