The Destroyer of Worlds
Winter Sunset
The destroyer of worlds does not come on dark clouds
With lightning flashes and thunderous din
She does not come uninvited upon the raging wind
Her visage is not dark nor twisted
Her eyes do not burn with shimmering flames of hate.
Doors are not barred against her
Ramparts are not erected.
Her coming is not resisted
She comes upon a gentle breeze.
Laughter drifting through the trees.
Her beauty beyond compare,
her eyes gleaming as if filled with the joys of life.
The summer sun caresses her soft skin
Her honeyed words pure delight.
She comes bathed in light with promises of paradise.
She does not use force nor might
Woe to those that are not vigilant
Against promises of earth bound heavenly delights
Too late will you realise your fate
Too late will you despair
At the horror of the price of an easy life
All you sacrificed will be in vain
All to avoid the burdens of a fulfilling life
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